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Journal M. Silver's Journal: And a pony. 1

I ended up staying home, and got a moderate amount of errand-running done, and not as much housework as I'd hoped. I did get laundry mostly finished, and I did some cleaning in the laundry room. Whenever we empty a box of detergent, we use it to stuff lint in. There are probably three dozen lint-filled screaming-orange Tide boxes neatly stacked on the dryer. I'm throwing those away.

Heck, I'm throwing (or giving) everything away. I should have had a garage sale this weekend... one of our odd neighbors is moving out (has been, for several months) and is having an auction tomorrow. Now, as I said, he's been moving out. He's got a detached garage, a decent-sized house (for one guy; 1200 sf or so), and a paved(!) backyard. Which has had a semi-trailer in it for quite some time. He's got several trucks with fifth-wheels, a couple of flatbed trailers (including a Bobcat hauler), and has been steadily filling the flatbeds and hauling them... somewhere. One never knows what he's going to come up with... a pallet of Quikrete (he used the Bobcat for that) here, a stack of wooden children's chairs there, the kitchen sink. The other day I looked out and he had a pony. A PONY. As my husband put it, watching the latest load come out, "It's gone beyond 'secret underground base' to 'interdimensional portal,' you know."

Now, he does have some sort of business (a Bobcat being a bit too expensive to justify otherwise), so I can only conclude that some of the stuff is coming *in* before going back out on the trucks. Still... a pony.

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And a pony.

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  • OK, I haven't actually tested it out but I remember hearing that dryer lint can be very flamable.

    The context that I remember it in was making little survival kits but taking dryer lint and covering it with candle wax. If your lost in the woods and cold you could use it to start a good fire.

    I suppose I could test it out by taking some dryer lint and lighting it and seeing what happens. I wouldn't want to do it inside because of the smoke, and not outside because it is wild-fire season. Maybe next winter I'

The first version always gets thrown away.
