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Journal sulli's Journal: Intelligence Failures 1

Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) on report skewering CIA intelligence failures re Iraqi WMD: "Leading up to Sept. 11, our government didn't connect the dots," he said. "In Iraq, we are even more culpable because the dots themselves never existed."

The report did note that the CIA wasn't entirely wrong (NYT): "On one important point, the committee found the C.I.A.'s conclusions reasonable -- that there had been no significant ties between Mr. Hussein and Al Qaeda terrorists."

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Intelligence Failures

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  • the dots themselves never existed.

    Damn straight. The whole thing resembled a carnival funhouse: all smoke and mirrors and optical illusions. I find it amazing that anyone even finds this surprising.

It is contrary to reasoning to say that there is a vacuum or space in which there is absolutely nothing. -- Descartes
