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Journal anzha's Journal: Birthday Report

Well! Despite the curves ball, I still knocked it out of the park. Waaaay out of the park.

Going to get the ring and proposing was a wash. I have a friend that has a reseller's business for jewelry. As a gift, he was taking us to a wholesaler for the diamond and rings: that was going to knock 20-40% off the reseller's price. He had a family emergency though and could not go.

I improvised and took her for she woke up late and took quite a while to get ready. It was almost 10:30 when we left the place. We went to my favourite breakfast & lunch place. It's run by a bunch of Middle Eastern & African immigrants in Oakland. we ended up getting some gyros because by the time we got there, it was about 11. We went over to Lake Merritt and ate.

We then had florist "issues": partially my fault, partially not. We went buy and picked up some roses anyways. She loved them.

That afternoon, we zipped up to Concord. My friend and his gf picked us up there. We drove over to the airfield and flew up to Clear Lake. We had a blast. My gf went nuts (good nuts) for the flight up and developed perma-grin on the way back when my friend let her fly for a while.

She was as giddy and delighted as a school girl when we went home. We didn't get home until rather late though. Her comment before bed was that I had made one of her dreams that she'd had since she was a small child come true.

I call that a home run.

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Birthday Report

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