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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Las Vegas, Spider-man 2, Fireworks

Returned from Las Vegas a few days ago and accomplished something truly astounding... I actually came out ahead on the blackjack tables! This is doubly impressive when you consider the fact that I was in town for 5 nights. I closed out the week ahead about $500 on the week... this puts my lifetime gambling totals at around $0 total since that one week negated my previous trip to Vegas, Windsor, and New Orleans. So hooray for me!

Kathleen & I also did this bizarre indoor skydiving thing... a giant fan blows you up in the air where you briefly hover and sweat like a mad fool in a dayglo jump suit. It was pretty fun, but it definitely confirms the fact that I am a world champion contender in flab. I just didn't have the strength to do much except fall. Regardless, it's really worth a try if you're ever out there.

Spider-man 2 was quite great. I really didn't except this to be able to touch the original, so imagine my surprise when it actually ran its predecessor right off the road. There are some great sequences, tons of great funny little moments, and a lot of great effects. This makes it possible to overlook a few complaints (some of the special effects came up lacking, a few plot points and not enough spidey one-liners). Of course, if you're reading this, you've probably already seen the flick... who am I kidding?

The neighbors cut loose with an impressive fireworks display. Apparently this is a regular occurance, but last year I must not have been around. We were watching a little TV last night when I heard a thunk... I thought a bird hit the window, but discovered happy explosions in the night sky instead. So we wandered over and watched the pretty colors and the big booms. No better way to celebrate our nation's independance then blowing pieces of it up! Good times.

This discussion was created by CmdrTaco (1) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Las Vegas, Spider-man 2, Fireworks

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