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Journal bfg9000's Journal: Satanist Reviews Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"

Long story short - browsing old memepool, followed a link - realised that even if I was remotely interested in their gothic angry death metal wisdom-sucks, let's-run-headlong-into-self-destruction-instead lifestyle, I'm just too damn old (34) to walk around in leather pants and carrying a trident without bursting out laughing at myself and everyone else around me.

Haven't seen Passion myself, but after reading this review, it seems that there's something in it for everybody. Here's the Satan-approved review, from a longer article:

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In keeping with the Easter spirit, I made an Ash Wednesday altar-call at the premiere of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". Anyone with an ax to grind against the cursed "savior of mankind"or the centuries of oppression his so-called teachings have spawned is bound to enjoy this movie, because Jesus takes a hell of a beating. This film is non-stop ultraviolence from start to relentlessly realistic that it's guaranteed to have even the most jaded sadist wincing by the time the credits roll. Gorgeous cinematography and lavish sets populated by blood-thirsty mobs, cruel centurions, and menacing midgets make this flick the ultimate in eye-candy. Rosalinda Celentano's appearances as an eerily androgynous Satan only fan the flames of malevolence that flicker throughout the film. If church was like this, I'd go every Sunday.
* * * *

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Satanist Reviews Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"

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