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Journal Sloppy's Journal: Yeah, I went to the movies too

This weekend, I was like everyone else so I went to the movies too. It was a double-feature; I saw The Big Heat and Human Desire.

I bet I had a better time than people who paid $8 to see that propaganda film. Ya know, I don't hold it against anyone who goes to see that.. after all, Ebert says F911 is actually a good movie (regardless of whether or not Moore tells it like it is) and I think his judgement has been pretty good lately. So I might go see it when it's $1, and that should still happen in time for me to get brainwashed for November.

The downside: 'Human Desire' got trains on my mind, so then I then wasted Sunday evening playing Railroad Tycoon 2. D'oh. :(

On another note.. I must be on a 1950s kick, because on Saturday I read "Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham. Whoa, this book reminds me of Romero's ".. of the Dead" movies. Both have catastrophes that leave civilization in ruins, with an aftermath of survivors who have to deal with menacing, but managable, monsters. Good fun.

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Yeah, I went to the movies too

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