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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: The WIPO Troll 2

Warning: Reading this post may result in a big time waste.

I've spotted The WIPO Troll in No More Trolls' foes list, and found him to be a remarkably entertaining troll.

I liked the formality of his troll posts and his crazyness. He was funny, unlike most of the trolls here. But there was also the dark side.. while Slashdot has some sort of protection against trolls, many other sites are not, and their are very vulnureable to mass-floods, and WIPO didn't care about that when he flooded them

So, I'm not sure if I still like him or not. I want him back, but only if he won't flood other sites. Unfortunately, this isn't going to be too easy, since the guy killed his textual entity, and I'm not sure he wants to resurrect it.

You can read more about the troll here. (Is J'raxis the WIPO troll?)

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The WIPO Troll

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If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
