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Journal Celt's Journal: Match Maker Linda... 7

Well again its been awhile since my last journal entry and I gota say my life has changed SO much!
I'm ALOT more outgoing then I was back in Jan, Feb or even March and its all thanks to Linda and three other of my friends.
So this is the latest thing that has happened to me...

Was at a house party Thursday night and Linda decided to play match maker for the night, she had told me before (she told me when she gave me the reply to the letter I gave her, check older journal entrys for that) that one of the girls in the class really likes me but to be honest I never took any interest, on thursday Linda kept telling me to go over and talk to this girl (Trish) I just kept saying no.

So Linda got Trish to come over and sit beside me then Linda just announces "Trish, Martin likes you and Martin, Trish like you" I really could have done without that embarresment.

Anyway Linda just wouldn't go away till the two of us kissed, so we did, but by the end of the night it was alot more then just ONE kiss.
Well it hit around 5am and I ended up walking Trish home (as a gentleman should do) I gota say it was a long long walk back to my flat, Linda was staying at my flat and around 6am she came into my room and asked what happened, I told her, but then she asked if I liked Trish, I just said I don't know.

I'm being honest when I say that, because I REALLY don't know what I want to do now.
On one hand I'd really like to give it a go and see how things go, but on the other I don't really feel anything for Trish and I'm not even sure if I ever will.

But in the end I don't want to hurt her or lead her on, I'd really be pissed off with myself if I did that.

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Match Maker Linda...

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  • I have been in a similar situation. Long time ago...eight years ago to to be precise. I didn't go into it. I have been "alone" ever since.
    It was probably the worst mistake I ever made in my life. If you like Trish and she loves you it's better to take a chance than waiting for the girl you dreams that will never come along. No, really, perhaps it won't work for you this time, but at least you will have the experience. You might feel as a jerk in the beginning, but I'm sure you won't.

    Don't spoil your life, please don't. I have always said to myself that if I ever have a son I'll tell him in time not to make the errors I made. Take it from me... Being a "technology monk" is no good at all. It leads to loneliness and despair. And once you got my age, other girls *expect* you to know how everything goes. If you don''re not even an option :-(

"The most important thing in a man is not what he knows, but what he is." -- Narciso Yepes
