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Journal checkyoulater's Journal: 24 hour grocery stores kick ass 2

People who go to bed at a reasonable hour have no idea. They purchase their goods during the day, as do most normal people.

I don't know if the 24 hour grocery store is commonplace elsewhere in Canada, but in Toronto, they are usually within throwing distance. For most people it makes no difference.

However, while heading home from the bar at 2am, they certainly come in handy. I don't usually make a shopping list, and pick up things when I remember to. Often, I happen to remember said things at 3am while heading home from the bar.

The whole way home I was thinking about what I wanted for breakfast. I want Mini Wheats. I have no milk, and I have no mini wheats.

Luckily, the 24 hour Dominion has these things. They also have bored-looking security guards who give me the once over as I walk in the door. Apparently I am the only drunk person buying cereal at 3am. I wonder what all the sober people are buying?

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24 hour grocery stores kick ass

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