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Journal Sloppy's Journal: Cassini 1

It's really 2004. 2004 was once a distant dream, but we're finally there, in a sense of it being more than just a number on a calendar: stuff is starting to really happen. Cassini is on the fringes of the Saturn system (though not really going into orbit for a few more weeks) and doing a close (2000 kilometers) flyby of one of the moons today.

[Update: Eh, there was a front page article on this, just a couple hours later. I should probably just delete this.]

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • I remember thinking way back when that launched that it sucked to have to wait for it. Now, it's finally frickin' there.

    Better catch some good pictures for all that waiting.

Heisengberg might have been here.
