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User Journal

Journal Aggrazel's Journal: Journal Update 1

Just noticed I haven't written in my journal since Oct 31, so I thought I'd update it for those who may care. :)

Oct 31 was my last day. Last time I was unemployed I was off for a year and a month, lost income = over 100k if you consider that I had to spend a lot of my savings to survive during that long drought, possibly higher if you consider that I no longer have a retirement fund. Oh well, life goes on.

This time I was only unemployed for 2.5 months. Lost income is a lot less since I had prepared to be unemployed by working lots of overtime at my last position (a contract job, got time and a half for anything over 40, whee) Was very pleased to rejoin the workforce at my new company.

The commute has increased however, I live in Dayton Ohio and work in downtown Cincinnati ohio. It's a 45 minute drive in the morning and about an hour to an hour and a half at night. I'm losing a lot of time that way, it sucks, but I'll deal with it. Actually its not so terrible as I go to the library and get some books on tape to entertain myself with.

My new job suits me very well, I manage about 25 linux servers and these are growing by leaps and bounds (they've added over 15 servers since I started). This company is in an upswing and I'm hoping it will be very successful.

Interesting days ahead...

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Journal Update

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