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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: The sad story of Chinese Karma Whore 8

- Metrollica?
- Yes, CKW?
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
- Yes, I'm fine too. I read a new book which you might find interesting. It explains in length about the influence of metal bands and their impact on the teen behavior.
- Good for you.
- Uhmm.. sir?
- ...yes, CKW?
- I was wondering, can we.. like.. meet and have sex?
- No.

Yes. Life is hard for CKW. Ever since he inflitrated into the land of infinite choices, in a stinking truck full of special imported monkeys, he can't find his place in this new society.

Life was much easier to him when he lived in the small Chinese village and worked as an animal feeder in the zoo, and that way he could fulfill all his bestial fantasies.. he lived so happily, until one day, they found out about his doings and fired him, so he had to escape. However, he couldn't find a similar job in the US. He failed in all of his interviews because the animals were so scared of him.

And even worse, he can't even find people to talk with here. He tried everything, from chatting with the people in the burrito buffets, through entering libraries and attempting to engage in conversations with the cute little girls in the library of Chinatown in SF.. getting drunk and singing in the karaoke pubs of LA.. hitting on the waitresses and waiters.. and talking with the other homeless people in the soup kitchen. Unfortunately, most of the people around him don't regard him, the balding four-eyed man with the high vocabulary, as an interesting person.

Lately he found Slashdot. At first, it was great for him. He finally found a place where people will respond to all the stuff he writes. But after a while he got fed up with it. Textual communication with people is nice and all, but there's more to his puny life than this - he's sick of masturbating.

So he got an idea! He'll hit on the trolls. He loves animals more than humans, and making love to a troll sounds exteremely kinky to him.

That troll, Metrollica, seems to be a prefered target from his point of view. He saw how that person curses and decided that he wants Metrollica inside him.

In order to make this wish come true, he started showing Metrollica that he's a slave for him, by praising him whenever possible and calling him "sir". However, Metrollica isn't very excited from it. He will have to try other ways to get Metrollica to bed with him. Will he make it? Currently, the future doesn't look so bright...

- Metrollica?
- I wanted to ask.. what do you want me to do in order for you to like me more? I'm very interested in our mutual friendship.
- Will you let go of me already? Go troll in Slashdot.
- But sir, I don't get an erection from that anymore.
- So why won't you have sex with Klerck?
- You know he loves widening things, and I care too much about my rectum. I want to reserve it for you.
- That's too bad.
- Don't you appreciate the way I write to you? You know how I troll most of the time, but when I talk to you, I write in the most insightful way possible. Did you like my reply to you about the Chinese hegemony?
- Are you talking about this thread?
- Yes! Yes! Isn't it nice?
- It wasn't even my post, you idiot!

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The sad story of Chinese Karma Whore

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  • Now you are getting plainly mean with CKW. He/she didn't do anything to mandate that kind of reaction from you. Did you ever read her/his comments? They were perfect articulate and intelligent responses, quite off-topic and inflamatory, but I don't think CKW is a bad person.
    Give him/her time.... Sooner or later insight will come to him/her.

    I think tolerance is a prime directive here on slashdot, and I learned to respect the trolls. They are part of the slashdot experience IMHO. If you really don't like CKW, ignore him/her. It's better that way.
    Writing journal entries like this one just puts you on his/her level. You don't want that, I don't want that...
    Yes I'm drunk right now....but honestly... There is no reason to insult anyone publicly.

    • Well, I think he can defend himself pretty well.. and I don't know why he's so angry. I merely try to help him.

      Anyway, he always used the wrong approach. If he just wrote something like "Nave, I'm sorry for trolling you and giving you false information", I'd have understand that I needn't talk with him anymore. But he always prefered to use profanity.
      • Okay, I shoudn't have posted my previous comment because I wasn't able to make my point. I was drunk, remember. Yes, I'm one of those guys that like to drink while on IRC. (That should remind you of one of the comments you made).
        I have been drinking again, but not as much as yesterday. You know...I'll try to illustrate it with a joke

        Q: Why does a fence collapse when a blonde leans on it?
        A: The smartest one gives in.

        Honestly, you do realise that the definition of a Troll is "someone who posts stuff to yield answers" ( jargon lexicon []) So in some way you are trolling a troll now. I think you shoudn't. Show you are the superior one by ignoring CKW's posts. However I fear you love the attention.

        No, this is really comparable to the Israel/Palestina situation: both of them want peace but neither wants to give in, nor admit guilt. Honestly from now on I'm not going to interfere in your fights, but just laugh out loud when I read those mutual insults.

        Honestly I found CKW's journal entry hilarious. :-)

        • Hi Jorg,

          Honestly I found CKW's journal entry hilarious. :-)

          Aren't you supposed to be my friend?

          Anyway, you may think it is hillarious, but I will explain why it is so in my next journal entry.

          You can't my realtionship with CKW to the to the Israeli/Arab conflict. I don't think that CKW wants peace, since he can't admit he loves me (I hope it'll change after he appreciates what I do for him). And anyway, the PA, with its current leadership isn't interested in peace, but in the destruction of Israel, and I'm writing it as a left-winged guy.

          The Pals educate their youngsters to hate Israel, unlike what Israel does. You can see that in here [].

          Now you also understand why I don't like Belgium. 2/3 of the country announced they are disconnecting any connection with Israel.. and besides, Europe doesn't seem to be a good place for Israelis to visit right now.
          • Replace "You can't my realtionship with CKW to the to the Israeli/Arab conflict" with "You can't COMPARE my relationship with CKW to the Israeli/Arab conflict".
          • Well, the definition of "a friend" is rather broad, especially on an online forum like slashdot. What I like about you is your honesty, but I do not necessary agree with all your comments and opinions. Concerning the humour: one must be able to laugh with oneself. I do, all the time. I really did laugh with CKW's entry. It was well-formulated and kinda of a parody (I love parodies)
            Honestly this whole situation is extremely funny in general. Anyway, I am *not* going to interfere in your little fight anymore, I'm gonna watch and enjoy the show.

            About the Palestinian situation: I don't know the situation very well, neither do I care very much. They have been fighting over there since my whole life. Like two kids... What I meant with "they both want peace" is that I mean that the "normal people" want peace. What those fuckwits in charge want is not relevant to me. But ask a mom on Israelian side and then a mom on Palestinian side: they'll both say "we want peace, and stop the killing our sons". That was my point. It's those fanatics that should be lined up against the wall, and the voice of reason that should reign again in both camps. I clicked on the educational link: the people that choose those books are not the moms, it is some of the idiots in charge. Indoctrination... *sigh*

            I don't know where you got the 2/3 Belgium figure from, but I actually think nobody has an opinion about Isreal/Palestina here in Europe anymore. It has been messed up for a long time, and there is no light a the end of the tunnel. You know: if I see fighting and no glimpse of reason on the horizon, I just tend to say: "Just kill yourself until noone's left."
            I say: the smartest gives in... and nobody is willing to be the smartest. It can't be that hard to divide the land and come to an agreeable consensus for both parties.

            Let's stop talking politics, I an not informed enough to have a good opinion on the current political situation of the middle-east. You woudn't understand our local political quabbles either (Flemish against Wallonians...ever heard of that?) Oh, and again: I'm not from Belgium.

"The medium is the massage." -- Crazy Nigel
