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Journal leviramsey's Journal: Reason on Reagan's Betrayals 1

An interesting piece by Jesse Walker regarding Reagan's willingness to betray the major constituencies that helped to get him elected:

And if Reagan didn't live up to the expectations of his libertarian supporters, the flipside is that he did the same thing to his backers on the Christian right, and among that species of anti-Communist that seemed unconcerned with the specter of nuclear war.

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Reason on Reagan's Betrayals

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  • Something I've been wanting to research for a while is the history of the term neo-conservative, and of the Republican Party.

    When I took Poli Sci over 10 years ago Neo-Conservative was define in terms of Reagan Democrats. That is, people who are fiscally conservative and socially libera. Reagan used this in his Rhetoric, but almost did the opposite in policy. Maybe that's why the term changed.

    Nowadays, the term is used for Reactionary-Conservatives, people who seem to define themselves primarily in opposi

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