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Journal metlin's Journal: Guess who's back! 2

Ahh, I have come to a part of the US that most people do not even know belongs to this country.

I'm in the beautiful state of New Mexico, and boy, am I in love with this place or what!

I'm here for my summer internship at the Los Alamos National Labs, and so far it's simply been wonderful. Great outdoors, and as an avid rock-climber, I've simply been having the time of my life in here! :)

The last couple of weeks were really hectic, had to move some of my stuff, get an apartment and did not even have net access.

I shalt get back to my badass posting habits in just a while, my friends.


This discussion was created by metlin (258108) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Guess who's back!

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  • Geez... you're interning at Los Alamos? Wow, that's freakin' cool....

    I almost envy you, but I like the cold better than the heat, so not quite. :)

    • Hey mate, thanks! :)

      Actually, Los Alamos isn't hot at all -- I imagined that it would be, but it isn't.

      It's surrounded by three Mesas (hills) and is ~7500 feet above sea level, so you have pretty chilly winds. The weather is around 65-70 - nice and pleasant! And it's a small, little wonderful town :)

"The most important thing in a man is not what he knows, but what he is." -- Narciso Yepes
