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Journal stuffduff's Journal: Moderation Selections: Disinformation is Misleading

I'd like to add at least one option to the choices in the moderation select list: Misleading (-1). This would be used for some messages which are simply marked Offtopic or Troll. However the problem is tha message is not really either, and sometimes inattentive moderators even select Informative for these messages. The point, however, is that the message author has made a deliberate attempt to subvert the discussion.

We live in a world where perception is reality. Everyone from advertisers to businesses, education to government practices this form of deception in one way or another, when the stakes are sufficently high; and the usual motive behind it leads in some manner to select individuals profiting at the expense of the general population. Shouldn't we simply identify disinformation for what it is worth? Shouldn't we encourage /. readers to make this kind of distinction?


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Moderation Selections: Disinformation is Misleading

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