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Journal anzha's Journal: *gulps* 2

Oy. What did I go and do this weekend?

Got myself into trouble is what I did.

Not in the usual prescribed ways though!

My gf and I talked. She's moving in in the latter 1/3 of the month. This is a prelude. On her Bday about a week into July, I'm taking her to go get a ring. (That's in the morning) In the afternoon we're supposed to out to an airfield to catch a plane that a friend of mine is flying (small plane) to fly up to a small coastal community up north for dinner. When we get back, there is planned to be a bunch of flowers that will be delivered: roses, 27, 26 for her age and one to odd it out. Ukrainians have this thing about even numbers of flowers: even numbers are for mourning only. Strange, but true. The whole plan is a surprise. She knows I'm popping The Question soon and I already know what the answer is gonna be.

So, if all goes well, in about 4 years, we'll start having black haired (unless there's a blonde lurking somewhere in her ancestry), green eyed (both of us...), Ukrainian-German-Italian-Irish-Scottish-English-French blend kids. Yes, my family is playing collect them all for European ancestry. Xenophilia (aka aggressive outbreeding) seems to run in the family. I have it in spades more than most though.

Actually, the funny part is that comparing such things to my friends, my tastes in women seem to be far, far broader than most of theirs. My first crush was on a Korean girl. My second was on a WASP blonde. My exwife was a Latina. I've been attracted to (often very strongly) to virtually every race. Each woman is an individual and their personality effects me as much as their looks. Not that looks haven't been at least mildly important...I'm still a card carrying, knuckle dragging male after all. ;P

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  • The knuckles ain't supposed to drag?

    Seriously though, you're embarassing the rest of us with all this moonlight, flowers and romance stuff. Hope my wife doesn't read your JE.

  • Last time I read the Dirty Rotten Male Handbook (carved in stone, crudely), knuckles are not just supposed to drag! They are to drag and have scars from dragging! Oh! Don't forget the grunts to go with!!!


    Oh hell, you want me to go over the top with the romantic stuff, that I can do! BWAHAHAHAHA! A past gf claimed I am a real romantic, not a wannabe like 99% of men that claim they are. My current gf claims I have a romantic soul. My current gf is an uber sucker for that sort of thing and

UNIX enhancements aren't.
