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Journal anzha's Journal: Avleak info

Urgent requests

In all, the House voted to give the DOD $20.5 billion more than the president's $401.7 billion request for FY '05, although the actual spending will have to be approved by House and Senate appropriating committees. The House completed its consideration of the bill in less than a week, while the Senate continues to deliberate its version.

The bill authorizes $100 million to initiate a new rapid procurement initiative that would help respond to urgent requests for combat equipment by commanders in the battlefield. It also authorizes $829.6 million for production of up-armored Humvees and $358.2 million for vehicle add-on armor kits for the Army's truck fleet, and $191.8 million to procure Bradley Fighting Vehicles.

The bill calls for $275 million for Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to provide increased surveillance capability and $292.2 million for upgrades to M1A2 Abrams tanks. It also authorizes more than $400 million for new body armor, including add-on covering for shoulder and side body areas.

It also includes a provision to increase the size of the Army and Marines by 39,000 troops over the next three years.

That's what? Two Divisions worth +/-? They really need three to do what we do now and then some sort of reserve, possibly even a 4th if one goes to the Marines. Not the Army Reserve, but you know what I mean. Additionally, we do need to flesh out the Army Reserve for the logistics units that are needed. It'd prolly not be a bad thing to flesh out the regular divisions so that they're not dependant on reserve or national guard combat troops. But that's a brigade per division, right? hrm.

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Avleak info

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It was pity stayed his hand. "Pity I don't have any more bullets," thought Frito. -- _Bored_of_the_Rings_, a Harvard Lampoon parody of Tolkein
