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Wireless Networking

Journal Sloppy's Journal: Sloppy Plays the Sympathy Card 3

I'll tell ya'll about Chicago (which ruled) and Kansas City (which was pathetic) later, but for now, I just want to say...

Here I am at a truckstop in Tulsa (on my Fujitsu, now running Gentoo instead of Mandrake -- part of my Kansas City story) that has Wifi, just checked my mail for the last time 'til I get to OKC. And DexterPexter hasn't answered any of my emails after the first, where she suggested maybe we could meet when I was on the way back.

Feh. Everyone, please join me in shaking your head and muttering a sentence the begins with the word "Dames."

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Sloppy Plays the Sympathy Card

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Well, I actually "joined us" last year on other machines. It's just that Gentoo was hard to get started on this notebook w/out a bootable CD-ROM, and I was in a big hurry to get it running (received it a couple days before I left home). Mandrake was easy to install using their boot floppy, but in the long run, it just gave me a good environment (with net drivers loaded) from which to chroot to my Gentoo installation, so I could start "emerge"ing stuff. ;-)
  • Damn it! OOOOPS!!! Today would be the 19th, wouldn't it. And I haven't checked my yahoo mail in...ummm... a week?

    *hangs head in shame*

    Blame heliocentric on this one. Bastard is just too damned interesting and has kept me distracted chatting with him for hours on end over IM.

    That, and the week of OPNET training I was at.

    Shit, if I didn't have to meet with a professor tomorrow for research, I would just haul my ass out on a road trip and drive to Oklahoma City. Its only... what... two hours away. I

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