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Journal ACK!!'s Journal: What is Punk?

Punk was to me at 18
Spiked hair and ripped t-shirts
Old Chucks and Vans
Punk was defined as much
by what it was not
There was no glam or long hair
except for the Ramones
special exceptions have to made
Ripping guitars without
always needing a solo
Yelling into the throes
without needed the range
of a opera singer and without
the theater of the metal bands
It was to hear the hardcore
without the metalhead hype
Sitting back wearing the Docs
Flying the flannel and
making fun of the hippies
and the jocks at the same

Jamming econo style with
busted instruments
but still putting the heart
to the anger and the fun
back into screaming "fuck you all."
into the mic and understanding
new wave was selling out.

It became to less and less
about the colored hair
and more about the attitude
of laughing at your own
suburban punk screw off angst.

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What is Punk?

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