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Journal metlin's Journal: Bastions of Democracy: India's new Prime Minister 1

India has elected it's new Prime Minister, and she's not Indian born, and neither is she Hindu. She is caucasian in a country of a billion people who aren't. The new Prime Minister is an Italian Roman Catholic woman -- and she is not even India's first woman Prime Minister.

I'll paraphrase from a Times of India article --

"...India will now have a Christian Prime Minister to go with a Muslim President (a widow and a bachelor to boot). The bastion of democracy, religious freedom and human rights -- the mostly white Christian United States, to paraphrase the description of India by western correspondents -- is set to elect its 44th President -- another Christian white male."

Despite everything, this is a true example of tolerance, secularism and democracy at work.

Way to go! Good to see that democracy atleast works for real in some parts of the world!

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Bastions of Democracy: India's new Prime Minister

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  • "...India will now have a Christian Prime Minister to go with a Muslim President (a widow and a bachelor to boot). The bastion of democracy, religious freedom and human rights -- the mostly white Christian United States, to paraphrase the description of India by western correspondents -- is set to elect its 44th President -- another Christian white male."

    It always pissed me off to read the rather condescending "mainly Hindu India" tagline (usually next to "muslim Pakistan"), even in 'liberal' rags like th

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
