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Journal Quantum Jim's Journal: I need help writing documentation 4

I need advice with writing good documentation. Programming has been a hobby for over a decade, but I never really released anything to the world until now. I need to create a web site to support the project - and it is hard! Writing good documentation (writing good anything) seems to be a very involved process, and I feel out of my league. I'm looking for some good tips or resources to get started.

The project is an extension to Internet Explorer 5.5/6 to get some CSS Level 2 features working. It's a lot like Dean Edward's IE7 with slightly different design goals. I wasn't yet going to release it publicly, but some people have been asking (and I caved ;-).

Any suggestions?

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I need help writing documentation

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  • I noticed you'd added me to your 'foe' list. I'm just curious to find out what ticked you off? .. there should really be a messaging system here.
    • My FOF ratings help me control comment moderation to a degree. If you posted something that I knew to be wrong or an argument based on faulty premises, or if I felt your comments were generally overrated or not insightful, then I will also put you on my foes list. On the other hand, if you post things that I didn't know or that I was wrong about, then I would add you to my friends list. Don't take my ratings too personally - I generally review and then purge most of them every few months.

      There are a few

If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
