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Journal erypzmafpim's Journal: Dark Souls 2 Download Plans - An Intro

I have finally finished designing the requested knee high socks. Perfect for the fall / winter season, your Barbie is sure to be trendy and dressed for the weather.While measuring the socks on your doll, take note that the longer the piece, the easier it will be to put on. The extra material helps you pull the socks up the leg (much like a knee high boot). Much like regular socks, you can also make these socks slouch by not pulling it up too much.This hub is a free pattern for making some basic socks for Barbie. You can end off earlier to get lower socks or continue on with the pattern for knee high socks. This was done on a Barbie Basics doll and if you need help on any adjustments, just follow the notes or leave a comment below.Refer to Barbie Ballet Flats for the required materials and gauge.While no.Dark Souls 2 Download 7 steel hook was used for the Ballet Flats, I tried making this in both no. 6 and 7 steel hooks with the same results. Just make sure you crochet tightly as this was meant to fit like a second skin.To start the socks, make the base found here: Barbie Ballet Flats, but do not fasten off at the end of Rnd 5. Your base should now look like this:Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join, turn. (11)Rnd 7: Repeat Rnd 6. (11)Note: End here if you would just like to make ankle socks. Continue with the pattern for higher length socks. Here is a picture for reference:Rnd 8-16: Repeat Rnd 6. (11)Note: Because the sock is now tight and the leg of the doll is getting wider, we now need to increase on the next Rnd. This pattern will continue until we reach the knee. Note for Adjusting the Size: Pinch the sock to see if there is still some room left. If there is, just keep the same number of stitches until there is no room left. You will then need to start increasing at that point.Rnd 17: Ch 1, sc in first 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in last 5 sts, join, turn. (12)Rnd 18: Repeat Rnd 6.Dark Souls 2 Download (12)Note: If you are happy with this length, end here. This is a good length for regular socks. Here is a picture for reference:Rnd 19: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in last 4 sts, join, turn. (14)Rnd 20: Repeat Rnd 6. (14)Rnd 21: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next st) 3 times, sc in last 4 sts, join, turn. (17)Rnd 22-36: Repeat Rnd 6. (17)Fasten off. Weave in all ends.Notes for Changing SizesBefore attempting to make the socks, make sure the base part fits your Barbie properly. The base pattern has several notes in it to ensure you get it right.For every few Rnds, fit the socks to your doll. You might need to use your hook to help pull up the sock just to make sure the fit is right. In case the socks do not fit, you can remove the rows where the problem started and work a few increases before trying again.Dark Souls II Download This pattern is my personal attempt at making knee length socks for my Barbie and the experience can vary for everyone.I made these socks to match my design: Barbie Lace Casual Top and Mini Skirt. Just go for the color of your choice and you can easily mix and match with Barbie's crocheted outfits.You can also pair these with the Simple Strapless Bodycon Dress for colder weather. Or pair with Short Shorts for a more athletic look.The possibilities are endless. And if your daughter manages to lose one (or both), you can easily replace it with a new pair.You can help the HubPages community highlight top quality content by ranking this article up or down.Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages account.8192 characters left.Dark Souls 2 DownloadPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your Hubs or other sites. working

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Dark Souls 2 Download Plans - An Intro

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