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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: A Work In Progress 3

Just in case anybody out there cares, I am indeed, as I said I would, continuing to work on the index of all my journal entries. For now it's taking up quite enough time writing each summary and doing my little bits of scripted and hand-formatting but the real goal, once the chronological version is done, is to add subject and other link sets. Then, eventually, links to my other useful posts both within and beyond /.

After all, I've put a hell of a lot of work into writing these things, more then a few of you have put in remarkable amounts of time and thought as well. It would be a shame to have all that useful information just sink further and further into obscurity.

Though yes, I will admit that part of this is my obsession with catagorizing making itself evident and another part is my desire to push the envelope on what a /. JE can be.

And hey, add up all the entries on a given subject and you've got a pretty handy overview of issues in, say, indie space travel, our political scene, off-the grid technologies, and half a dozen other geekish topics.

Of course another part of the fun is seeing, once it's all in one place, so to speak, what the obvious holes are.

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A Work In Progress

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  • After all, at this rate, I've got twenty-three hours of work ahead of me just finishing the chronological version. Which, of course, explains why nobody else is doing such an insane thing.

    However, as I was working on the latest revision it occurred to me that if I were to make writing the summary a standard part of doing the JE, the time commitment should go down quite a bit.

    The more time passes the more I'm instituting in my private work the same procedures I used to deal with in huge corporations. Mak
  • It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to whip up a simple script (perl?) that could crawl through your /. pages and link all your journal pages to the index. And then grab the first five sentences or something as a basic description.

    Of course that would only work assuming you would like less then accurate descriptions for some of the entries, which it seems you wouldn't like too much. Just an idea for anyone else thinking about indexing their entries I guess.

    In other news, thanks for writing such a

    • It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to whip up a simple script (perl?) that could crawl through your /. pages and link all your journal pages to the index. And then grab the first five sentences or something as a basic description.
      Well, if you were gonna do a thing like that, you'ld be far better off having the script also do things that /.'s system doesn't do but should, like:
      - who added comments and how many (ideally with the names of people who added comments being links to their pages, either o

One person's error is another person's data.
