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Journal Sloppy's Journal: STL 4

("This will go down in your permanent record." Ooooh, my permanent record. That should make a drunk person think twice. But thinking once is hard enough.)

Too many impressions to list. But I will go ahead and digress on one point..

Tulsa has a river. I saw a few rivers on the way over here. More to the point, STL has a river, and it's a famous one.

Albuquerque has a river, too. It has an impressive name. El Rio Grande. Que grande! I think the name may have been chosen with a bit of a sense of irony, given what I've seen today.

Yahoo maps is pretty neat. Not only will it help you find a place, but it will help you decide what place to go to, too. With a little click, it will display restaurants of a various type, for example, You probably knew that. It's not shocking. But it will also display 802.11 hotspots. Did you know that? I need to try out Warwick's wireless. The hotels have all been offering a cat5 connection for $10 per day -- a mere $300 per month for an ISP. What a racket. But day-to-day, it doesn't seem like a big deal. What's $10? Pretty fuckin' convenient, that's what.

But back to Yahoo maps... In April 2003 I visited Charlottesville Virginia with some friends and they introduced me to Indian food. Not Indian as in Navajo, but Indian as in nuclear-war-with-Pakistan. Today, I started suffering chile withdrawal symptoms, and being afraid of Mexican restaurants (because I just know that I would find plenty to bitch about) I figured Indian would be an acceptable substitute. Yahoo Maps to the rescue! It showed me a place near my hotel, called "Curry in a Hurry." Fast food Indian? I was intrigued. Alas, the hours are only 11am to 2:30. It's just a lunch place. I'll have to try it tomorrow.

Later it hit me: a place can stay in business in downtown St Louis, only being open 3.5 hours per day? I should be impressed. I bet it'll be crowded when I get there.

I ended up eating at an Italian place near there, as I've had hankering for Italian lately, as well. It was pretty good. Beer selection was a bit limited. (No IPA. I think I explained my recent IPA infatuation in Em's journal.) Waitress suggested Amber Bock to me, so I went with that. Amber Bock is what I used to often drink at The Launchpad back home, 'cause they had a $2 special on it. So I always think of the Launchpad now, whenever I drink that stuff.

Speaking of bars, after my expensive (but big and delicious) speghetti, I went to a place called "Creepy Crawl". It looks like I was on-the-mark with this place, but I'm here on the wrong day. There were punk bands here, and finished with a weird "Celtic Punk" band. I don't know what else to call it. But I think they sometimes have metal here. Maybe I'll check back tomorrow.

Creepy Crawl ran out of limes for my Coronas, so I had to settle with lime juice from a bottle, added to my last one. Hmm. I don't like when bars run out of limes. It makes me think they're not taking their responsibility seriously.

Other things...

Near the beginning of Missouri, they had fifth-mile markers. Instead of the markers going 17,18,19,20, they go 17,17.2,17,4.17.6, etc. What's up with that?

Dex, I regret we didn't get to meet. The winds of fate of viciously cruel. May the 19th (when I pass through OK again in the opposite direction) work out better. If that day doesn't work out, then I'm going to tell everyone on Slashdot that I asked you out, and you said No. Then you'll be in real trouble.

My Neuros has developed a problem with the power connector. It now runs on battery power even when it's plugged into the cig lighter socket. and the battery doesn't charge. So when it died right in the middle of a Pagan's Mind song, I had to either live with silence, or try the radio. This was in Oklahoma. I was afraid that on the radio, I would find only "both kinds of music" (Blues Brothers reference, if you know what I mean). But after channel surfing, I heard Boston's "Don't Look Back" which was followed by some AC/DC and Rolling Stones and Steve Miller. Ok, Classic Rock, I can live with that. The station even called itself "classic rock." Then they played Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box." Ok, I don't have a problem with that song, but is 90s grunge really classic rock? WTF is happening to the world? Is "classic rock" merely defined as anything that was commercially successful 10 or more years in the past? That's creepy.

I saw a cop do something amazing today on I-44. But first, an apocryphal anecdote. There was once a cop, in full uniform, who went to a drug dealer's house, and asked to buy drugs. The drug dealer said, "Dude! You're a cop!" The cop said, "It's ok, I'm cool." So, the dealer sold him drugs. And the cop arrested him.

Today I saw the speeding equivalent of "It's ok, I'm cool." I had my eyes peeled for ellie, so when I (speeding) came up behind a cop, I squinted, growled, cursed and slowed down .. not to the speed limit, but to as fast as the cop was going, and stayed back a couple hundred meters from him.

Other drivers, trusting the cop's "coolness" got a little closer. They kept pace with the cop, right physically near the cop. I shook my head. "You idiots!" I screamed. Then I watched it unfold. The cop slowed down a bit .. to the speed limit. Not being an idiot, I slowed down too, keeping my distance behind him. His "speed-mates" kept going, passing him. What idiots. Then he got behind one of 'em and flashed his lights. I laughed my ass off. People really fall for it! The drug dealer anecote is probably real.

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
