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Journal heliocentric's Journal: if you can find them, maybe you can hire the PeptoBismolTeam 10

As some of you may know there is a recent Pepto-Bismol TV ad where there are these people standing in line to use a photocopier when they are each struck with a different gastro-intestinal ailment. And they then do a dance about it, and their magic cure: Pepto-Bismol.

Well, IMHO, the diarrhea girl is fine, and she's got the moves. (See this previous discussion on the topic) I also think I shouldn't eat at their cafeteria.

So, I emailed the good folks at Pepto-Bismol requesting information about the commercial, namely could I get a videotape or an electronic version of the commercial. I didn't ask directly about the diarrhea girl, but maybe I (or one of you!) will send a request from a different email address. Following is their reply:

Message from Pepto-Bismol

Discussion Thread
Response (Gary) - 05/10/2004 11:19 AM
Hi Charlie.

I'm glad you enjoyed our recent Pepto-Bismol commercial. While it's not currently available online and we don't have copies available to send, I'm sharing your comments with the rest of our team. Thanks for writing.

Pepto-Bismol Team

You see that at the end? There's a Pepto-Bismol Team. Assuming they aren't competing with the Harlem Globetrotters, perhaps they are a Tom Clancy-like tactical attack team that will rain down on your house and dispense some indiscriminate pink stuff.

I can hear it now...

In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. They promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the Pepto-Bismol Team.

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if you can find them, maybe you can hire the PeptoBismolTeam

Comments Filter:
  • I have to say the end of your JE cracked me up.

    You really just lightened what had been turning into a very bad mood.

    Either that was as funny as I thought or I need a vacation more badly than I originally believed.
    • It was indeed funny.

      I even shared it with a couple of my co-workers.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • God. I recognized it, too.

          Pity the fool.

          Does this negate the fact I appreciate Shakespeare?



          • Ummm.. That would be a yes..

            Well you did ask... :)

            I had the image in my head of B.A. running around dousing people with pepto instead of the normal violent acts.

            • I had the image in my head of B.A. running around dousing people with pepto instead of the normal violent acts.

              How about Murdock exiting the bathroom and Hannibal says, "I love it when a plan comes together."

              But, I think Face Man would try and put the moves on my honney, diarrhea girl.
  • Assuming they aren't competing with the Harlem Globetrotters, perhaps they are a Tom Clancy-like tactical attack team that will rain down on your house and dispense some indiscriminate pink stuff.

    Who's to say they aren't both?

    Sort of a collective Buckaroo Banzai.

    Puckeroo Pepto.


    I'll shut up now.

  • So, instead of the required 1/3 of the time spent building something, would the PBT hit the local drugstore and chug some pink stuff? :)
  • I will never be able to watch the A-Team again without laughing harder than I did the first time around. Let me explain.

    My girlfriend at the time and I were in Vienna at the tail end of a 17 day journey through Germany, Poland, the Chech Republic, and Austria. We were totally wiped out and just lying down flipping channels on the TV. I'll be damned if I didn't see some episode of the A-Team on there.

    Now you have to understand that I was a typical American tourist at the time. I know one language, and
  • I am reading this JE on a day I have been very gassy!!

You will lose an important disk file.
