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Top Baby Names

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  • by tuxette ( 731067 ) * <tuxette@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Sunday May 09, 2004 @04:46PM (#9101724) Homepage Journal
    ...yep, I had to say that. I feel sorry for the kids called that.

    Top names in Norge for 2003:

    for girls []

    for boys []

  • by Patik ( 584959 ) *
    Madison is... gross. But I'm bitter because my gf and I decided we'd call our (distant future) daughter Emily only to find how popular it is. Definitely don't want our kid to have the same name as five other people in their classes. I got away with a well-known yet uncommon name (Craig) which is nice because everyone can spell and pronounce it but I rarely run into other Craigs (and boy does that make me feel awkward).
    • You are lucky.

      Many, many moons ago I dated someone whose parents wanted to name him Craig. Apparently they thought the name was too common, and wanting a slight variation of its spelling, they christened him Krieg.

      Being German myself, I found it simultaneously hilarious and repulsive to be dating someone whose name translated to "war."

    • Plus you always know which list [] to use!
  • by turg ( 19864 ) *
    I agree that Madison isn't a great first name but...

    The avenue in Mahanttan is not the origin of the name. It was named after someone.

    Do you think the movie was the origin of using Madison as a first name? I doubt that. Using last names for girls' first names is a longstanding tradition
    • The avenue (as well as Madison Square Garden) was named after President James Madison. But I am positive that the movie is related to the trend, since the name didn't become popular until several years later.

      Popularity of the name Madison
      Year Rank
      2003 3
      2002 2
      2001 2
      2000 3
      1999 7
      1998 9
      1997 10
      1996 15
      1995 29
      1994 53
      1993 78
      1992 112
      1991 133
      1990 216

There is no royal road to geometry. -- Euclid
