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Journal metlin's Journal: Snoop Dogg on Sat Night Live Dissing Friends

You know, I was at this party tonight and ended up watching Saturday Night Live (long story short, the girl whose house the party was being held at worked for Turner South).

It had Snoop Doggy Dogg and a bunch of fellas doing some really funny stuff.

But the funniest part was Snoop handing them a bunch of umbrellas, and those folks doing the whole Friends jingle and making fun of it.

NEVER EVER have I had laughed so hard, half the people had beer coming out of their noses. There is something about a guy like Snoop making fun of something as stupid as Friends, and his whole rap-dance to the tune was simply priceless.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have not already, please make sure you watch it :)

And oh, this post was inspired by the_mad_poster, thanks for his initiation of Friends bashing :)

"What man has done, man can aspire to do." -- Jerry Pournelle, about space flight
