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Journal dacetone's Journal: Fneh.

I never write here anymore. I'm bad. I do have another journal elsewhere, but I've been neglecting it as well. Too much shit going on in life.

One of my good friends is TS (M2F). She's also in the National Guard. Whoops. She's down at the local military post, hopefully being other-than-honorably discharged right now. I have no idea, since I have no contact with her currently, but I worry. She was supposed to leave me a key for her place, so I could clean it out if she was gone for more than a month, but didn't.

My best friend got kicked out of her house. She fell in love with an egotistical, anti-social "artist", and he treated her just as I figured he would. So, she's homeless, living with an ex-boyfriend until she can find a place. Anyone in Seattle have a room/studio for rent for under $500?

It's midterms at school as well. This quarter, I'm taking Japanese (and doing pretty miserably), Northwest Flora (re-taking it, blech) and History of Japanese Civilization. Japanese Civ has proven to be the *hardest* class I've ever taken. It's taught by the same teacher I have in Japanese, and she's a hard enough teacher in Japanese, but she is an absolute hardass when she's teaching in English. I just took the midterm in that class yesterday, and I don't have a good feeling about it. My midterm in Northwest Flora is tomorrow. Blech. I'm counting the weeks until school's out (5!!).

One last thing: People who give their credit cards to their son/daughter to go spend should die. What. The. Fuck. I got two of those yesterday at work!! We check ID on every card. No, even if you promise it's mommy's card, and not stolen, you still can't use it. No, you can't call mommy and ask. No, not "just this once". Just no!! I hate rich kids. When your clothes cost more than the retail clerk's entire paycheck, you have a problem. The best thing out of all of this was on one of the cards I refused, the kid's friend whipped out enough cash to pay for it. When I was 16, I would have *loved* to have $300 in cash, but then again, I had to work for money at an arcade, and never made more than $80 a paycheck. I'm 21 years old, and I still wouldn't have $300 to just carry around, even if I saved for a few months.
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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
