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Journal krow's Journal: Very clever Mr. Bondo 1

Two plus years ago I put in some code trying to decipher what exactly was and was not a portald block in slash. See, the problem is that blocks where used as a dumping ground for pretty much anything and everything. At this point they really are not used any more except as a place to keep RSS feeds.
But the code lives on.
Right now I am trying to figure out if I was very clever two years ago and made is so you could have a static block that was an RSS feed, or if I was just being really dump and not thinking through the fact that type should be linked to the boolean in the table.
Oh, and I should kick my own ass for not writing down more notes about this then (even though I actually wrote quite a few).

Before the year is done, I will rewrite this code.

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Very clever Mr. Bondo

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