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Journal Celt's Journal: The next day, [happiness] Sigh [/happiness] :) 4

Well she wasn't in college today, but heard a funny story bout what happened to her lastnight but I better not say it :P

Anyway, I'm still HAPPY and frankly I can't figure it out, its weird but I like it!

She most likely won't be going to the party tonight because she's working, but she might drop in for a hour or so, guess I'll see.
But she'll be going to a friends party on Tuesday night for deff, I know because during our conversation yesterday she asked if I was going to it.

Still waiting on getting the pictures I took of her developed, should have some during the week.
Will be nice to finally have some.

As Linda would say "GO YOU!!!"
Oh and did I mention its GREAT to be friends with her? :)

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The next day, [happiness] Sigh [/happiness] :)

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