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Journal salvorHardin's Journal: Teleworst

So, I'm nearly finished downloading the ISO for CD#3 of Debian (over 56k dial-up), so I'll be free of XP in no time at all. I really wish I'd kept another copy of the RH9 ISOs.
I had a few problems logging in here last week, as it turns out that my ISP is running some open HTTP proxies, which have been used to mount attacks against slashdot. I've told the support people about this, and their solution was for me to stop using the proxy. I sent them links to several webpages I found which list addresses of their proxy servers as being 'open', one of which is the site for some 'proxy-clicker' software. I also gave them this link, where they should be able to find advice on fixing things.
So, I can now connect to /. and not worry about which address I'm being proxied through, but Teleworst don't appear to want to patch the hole.

Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
