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Journal mskfisher's Journal: Angelina Jolie

So, I had this conversation earlier tonight:

kwabla78 :
kwabla78 : wow
ToadWithGuns : how can they tell that there's any distress in the face?
ToadWithGuns : it looks like a little bit of every emotion, plus a few
kwabla78 : indeed
kwabla78 : hiding in the great crevasse(s)
ToadWithGuns : or, as we call them in the mutterlande, fjords
kwabla78 : i ph33r the water at the bottom
ToadWithGuns : I wonder what it'd be like to have to clean half of my face with a Q-tip
kwabla78 : i wonder what she'd look like if left to soak in a vat of moisturizer overnight
ToadWithGuns : I wonder how large of a ball you could wrap the skin from her head around
ToadWithGuns : without tearing
kwabla78 :
kwabla78 : hmm, i found it, and it's not an improvement
ToadWithGuns : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fish lips

and it rekindled a thought I've had at times: what would Angelina Jolie look like without fish lips?

Time + Photoshop yields:

kwabla78 :
kwabla78 : lower lip is slightly too small
kwabla78 : but i've wondered what she would look like with relatively human features
kwabla78 : compare with

Interesting, anyway.

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Angelina Jolie

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