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Journal coupland's Journal: Nihilism is the Only True Belief System?

Sorry, that subject line is dramatic but it's also circular and contradictory. However the point is that if I believe the preceding post then what I'm really saying is that *all* belief systems are false. After all, if all belief systems are merely an attempt to summarize reality then they are by definition approximations. And if they are only approximations then they cannot be true in the full sense. Hence no belief system is true.

This makes me really wonder what the heck nihilism is. For years I've sort of considered myself a nihilist because I don't believe in good or evil, right or wrong. But if that's the case doesn't it stand to reason than a nihilist doesn't believe in true or false? If a nihilist doesn't believe in truth as an absolute, then how on earth can they believe that truth isn't an absolute? Belief is by its very nature binary.

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