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Journal mskfisher's Journal: Cell Phone

I finally made the plunge. I just got cell phone service with Sprint PCS. The phone is a Sprint VI600, and I like the interface quite a bit. The main reason I went with Sprint was the no-roaming plan - I don't have to worry about my phone when I drive home to the folks in northeast Nebraska, for example.

Since I'm moving in less than a month, I wanted to get rid of my landline. I was under the impression, looking at the Sprint website, that they'd be able to transfer my wired number to my new wireless phone (that's actually why I went into the Sprint store instead of doing it all online - though it's good I got to handle the phones to make my decision). Unfortunately, they can't transfer wired numbers until May 26 - blasted FCC anyway. So now I have to decide whether to keep my wired service until I can transfer the number, or make a clean break... I think it'll be worth the $50-75 to keep the number, but it's a bit more work than I thought it'd be.

Anyway, my new number is 867-5309, ask for "Jenny."
Wait, you didn't think I was dumb enough to post my number on Slashdot, did you? Email or IM me if you must have it. :)

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Cell Phone

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