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Journal aphor's Journal: Aphor on the WWW

Google is picking up my trail, so this journal entry is meant to be a crumb that helps unify my web presence.

  • Dot Mac homepage: My personal site. I should do more here. I have a large collection of things that belong here, but I am not particularly moved to put the presentation together. Shame...
  • My host site. Primarily a testbed for my web technology dabbling, experimentation, and development: this site may contain content managed by someone else. When I get over a few challenges with LDAP (namely an architecture for handling compound attributes and relationships between objects), I intend to do something akin to what does.
  • Advogato person page: This was supposed to be my homepage for my work getting isakmpd working on Solaris 8. Ajaxx had a port of OpenBSD's isakmpd, but I wanted to make the port approach zero-maintenance for keeping up with OpenBSD's development. Ajaxx worked from a snapshot of isakmpd that had DoS problems from aggressive mode key exchange, etc. That has been a focus of OpenBSD work since then... Ajaxx seems to have disappeared for a while and I never got enough time to work on it. Shame.
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Aphor on the WWW

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