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Journal mskfisher's Journal: Reactionary Airtime 2

Liberal talk radio goes on the air

'O'Franken Factor' kicks off Air America

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- The gloves are coming off on talk radio.

Comedian-provocateur Al Franken is anchoring Wednesday's launch of a new liberal radio network -- Air America -- that promises irreverent voices from the opposite end of the political spectrum to conservatives like Rush Limbaugh who dominate talk radio.

"We're going to listen to (Limbaugh's) show and hold him up to scorn and ridicule," Franken said in a telephone interview.

Franken has kicked off with a three-hour midday show, "The O'Franken Factor," a mocking tribute to his broadcasting foe Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News.

A former writer on NBC-TV's "Saturday Night Live", Franken wrote the best-selling comic diatribes "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" and last year's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right." The latter triggered a short-lived lawsuit from Fox News.

It seems that everything Al Franken does is reactionary.

I'm always reminded of Coke vs. Pepsi. Coke never (that I've seen) acknowledges Pepsi's existence. Pepsi started up the taste tests, comparisons, etc.
Coke is so well-established that they don't have to acknowledge anyone.

I've always been very aware of the people that merely react and don't lead. It seems so... whiny.

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Reactionary Airtime

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  • Based on the quotes in this article, it sounds like just yet more of the only thing the left has been able to offer the US for the past 3 years: hate.

    The left has been hijacked, and those who should have cared didn't do enough (if anything) to stop it. As the saying goes: "All that is necessary for evil to win is for good men to do nothing."

    But then again, these same lefties were the ones embracing cultural relativism and that there was no good or evil, so we can't be too surprised that this happened...
  • Basically they cannot do anything original on their own so they try to pervert what they hate into their own world view. Basically what they have promised on this network is "Hate the Right" all day and everyday. Personally I wouldn't invest in such a foolish venture as it is simpley doomed to failure.

    O'Franken Factor? Had someone from the right chosen a name like that I am sure the PC hounds would be crying foul because obviously he is making fun of O'Rielly's Irish heritage.

It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
