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Journal coupland's Journal: Are we Approaching a New Era?

I don't know about you but I'm as excited as hell by what's happening in the world today. I'm positively giddy. Liquid water has been found on Mars. Methane has been detected and there's at least a decent chance its origin is biological. It's completely possible that in our lifetime there will arise scientific proof of life on other planets. I'm amazed that the whole world isn't waiting with bated breath.

This is huge! This is bigger than man walking on the moon. It's bigger than the internal combustion engine or splitting the atom. Just think, life might exist on other planets in our solar system! Surely if two neighbouring planets both have life, there's bound to be life in other solar systems. There's a very real possibility that in a few short years the universe as we know it will be completely and irrevocably changed. I find the mere possibility thrilling...

Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow.
