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Journal Felinoid's Journal: A class in critical thinking

Nearly every debate on Slashdot falls for one of the traps discribed in this <a href="">class on falsitys</a>.
I'm reluctent to post this as it kills most of my arguments and it will kill many more of my arguments.
However being aware is more important than being "right" (Or thought of as right even when dead wrong).

Ok I admit I'm a Zealot so I guess it's no biggy deal.

A fun game. I know we Zealots are known to fail to think it's part of the deffinition of the term... To act on emotions and not thought.
But I want you to spot how often trainned "experts" do exactly the same things we do and fall for the same traps.
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A class in critical thinking

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
