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Journal mskfisher's Journal: Pictures of the house 8

Photos of the house and a brief description.

The floorplan.

I was just going to add this to my last JE, but I didn't know if everyone would see it then.

If you're in the neighborhood after April 28th (closing/possession date), drop by - visitors are welcome. :)
Just make sure to identify yourself as a Slashdot reader first - otherwise I might think you're selling Girl Scout cookies or something. I already bought some at the office, thanks.

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Pictures of the house

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    • Yeeaahh... no. The guy had already moved out all of the furnishings by the time I looked at the place, so I didn't even get to see the couch in its natural habitat. :)

      When I first walked through, I was kinda considering what I could do with the kitchen... but realized that it does look fairly decent. I don't think I'd want to strip all of those cabinet fronts anyway...
      I will eventually need to do something with the family room in the basement, though. I can only take so much dark wood paneling.
      Oh, and
  • That's a cute little house. Seems a lot like the one I'm living in here in Seattle, but mine doesn't have a basement, and I'm renting. Ugh, Seattle. Such a nice city, but so damn expensive. Anyway, one day I'll buy.

    Nice work. Next time I'm in MPLS, I'm crashing at your pad ;-)
    • Word. :)
      My accomodations are cheaper than a hotel, and more hospitable. You can even have a complimentary bowl of Corn Chex for breakfast. :)
  • Growing up in New Orleans and living in Florida, I'm not used to basements. Initially I thought the floor plan didn't match the photo. (Bait and switch).

    The photo reminds me of the neighborhood where I grew up. We used to play baseball in the backyard. We always had a dog too. We had to patrol for land mines before playing.

    That's great having a two car garage. You can do car maintenance.

    I live in a condo where the gestapo busy bodies whine if I pop the hood to checking my oil; much less think about ch

  • I can't wait until I can buy my first place... We've been throwing around the idea of a condo or townhouse - something to build equity in.

1 Angstrom: measure of computer anxiety = 1000 nail-bytes
