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Journal Celt's Journal: A letter a good idea then?????

Well After last weeks events I realise that there's no way in HELL I'll be able to say what I want to say to Linda, I just wouldn't be to find the proper words.

I'm writing a letter, and so far so good, only problem is only times I find myself with the words to write down it's 6am.

For the last few days thats what I've been doing at 6am, I know it may seem the cowards way to doing this, but I know myself to well and I know that I just won't be able to express my feelings to her the way I really want to so a letter is the best option.

Going to give it to her next week sometime.
On plus note I met her today in town while doing shopping, my heart just skipped a beat when I saw her, sigh

In the end if she feels the same I'll be walking around with a smile for the next few weeks, if she dosen't, well I won't be exactly happy but at the same time I won't be REALLY depressed about all this.

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A letter a good idea then?????

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