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Journal metlin's Journal: Vulcans and Lesbians 2

I was watching the new Star Trek : Enterprise - once you get the hang of it, its pretty well done - way better than Voyager with Janeway and her emotional throbbing. The only highlight of Voyager was Seven of Nine - other than that it was all crap.

Now I was watching the First Office Tpol on Enterprise work her Vulcan neuro-pressure magic on some Earth female, and couldn't help wonder if the Vulcan society would support lesbians?

Would they not choose to be homosexual because logic dictates that this would be a waste of their genes and it would be quite illogical not to mention wasteful?

How would the Vulcans accomodate something like this?

And oh, Tpol would have made an excellent substitute for Liz Tyler's role as Arwen in Peter Jackson's LoTR adaptation.

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Vulcans and Lesbians

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  • Would they not choose to be homosexual because logic dictates that this would be a waste of their genes and it would be quite illogical not to mention wasteful?

    It could be argued that being homosexual and procreating heterosexually are two totally different things. Hell, a Vulcan lesbian would probably logically decide that a spot of vulcan male luvin' was no big deal to get a baby that she and her partner could take care of.
  • Sorry, not into voyager at all, but I had to say something about the JE subject.

    Best. JE Subject. EVAH!! LOL!

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