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Journal MacBrave's Journal: today started too early

Got into work at 5:30am today. Normal start time is 7:30.

The reason? Need to leave work around 2pm so I can drive about 45 mintues south to Indy to get stuff for the pack meeting on 3/16. The scout shop doesn't close until 6pm, but it's downtown, and I'd rather get in and out before rush hour begins. But hopefully I'll only have to make this drive a couple more times. I plan on stepping down as cubmaster at the end of the school year......

Oh, and before going to Indy I have to stop and pick up a couple parts for the refrigerator. Dang thing is frosting up again (it's a frost-FREE frig). Currently the freezer is staying cold enough to freeze water, but not much colder than that.
Had the defrost timer replaced about 2 weeks ago but that doesn't appear to be the problem. The defrost heater appears to be working OK so I'm getting a new set of gaskets and a defrost thermostat. Hopefully that will fix it......

Oh, and I have a 6pm meeting tonight at the church.

Could be a long day. But an ample supply of caffeine and reading /. may help.

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today started too early

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