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Journal HBI's_girl's Journal: Lent, and other stuff 1

I decided to follow suit and post my own "what I am giving up for Lent" journal entry. I am doing this partially so I will have the list written down where I can refer to it easily. Well, no actually, I am doing this entirely so I can have it written down where I can refer to it easily.

The past few years I have generally given up chocolate, or caffeinated soft drinks, or both. And the year I gave up both was miserable... and that whole Sundays don't count thing DEFINITELY came into play. That and caffeine free diet Dr. Pepper were the only things to get me through it.

The downside is that I am a chocoholic in the worst way, so I would feed my chocolate cravings by munching on something else. So I am not giving up chocolate. Not even going to try.

I'm not sure if anyone reading this will think I am a slacker for what I have decided to give up, but a lot of these things HBI can tell you are hard for me to actually do. So! Without further ado... the list:

1. I am giving up:
      a. non diet soft drinks
      b. all vending machine type foods

2. I am taking on:
      a. going to the gym at least 3 times a week
      b. taking the multitude of vitamins I should every day (you would be shocked at how
          easy it is to forget to do that)

I am trying to decide if I want to give up buying any "fun" stuff... like food and photo supplies wouldn't count... but new makeup and clothes and shoes and purses would.

I've got about 2 more hours to decide!

I think actually I will give up the purchasing of fun stuff -- we'll see if I can actually do that one.

I feel kinda slackerish, cause reading that list it doesn't look too bad. But then I am also the over achiever who tries to always take on way too much. So we'll see.

On a completely different note (at least from the outside), I have a newest gripe! My church started a theatre ministry 3 years ago. We do a different play each year and all the money we make goes to a charity. This is my 3rd year in it (Fiddler on the Roof for all who are interested)

So heres my gripe. There are a few of us, myself included, who are very definitely bona fide 1st sopranos. Sandy can do a d over high c, I can do an e over high c (and got to an f in my car once but it was in my car and no one but me heard it). Anyway, I have no problems singing 2nd soprano. Its actually kind of fun.

So there are these women (not girls, we're talking 30-40 year old women) who are so stuck on themselves that they absolutely refuse to sing anything but 1st soprano. Is there really that much of a difference between a g and an e? Not really.

Now lest you all think I am complaining because I was forced to sing 2nd, I wasn't. As of last night the musical director had me singing 1st on everything, but I could tell the 2nds didn't have enough people to carry for a lot of the stuff (the high notes are always heard better, its like a law of nature). So I asked her if I should switch, and she said if I wanted to that would be great because "there are a lot of people who just can't hold the tune if they aren't singing melody".

Maybe shes right, and thats why we have the prima donna 1st sopranos. I prefer to think its because they are under the assumption that if they don't sing 1st, its like they are admitting that they cannot hit the notes.

Anyway! I'm really not a bitch I swear. Just something that struck me mid last night during rehersal. (hmm. perhaps I should give up petty bitching about people too)

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Lent, and other stuff

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