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Journal Abm0raz's Journal: multiple things 9

4 seperate issues (rather than 4 different journal entries):

1. KoC:

First, clicky clicky :)

Second, I got nailed today with the lag time. I hit a guy for 40,000K this morning, sold 5 weapons (2 types) to get enough to buy a big ticket item. I lagged enough that someone hit me in the 30 seconds and I lost 90,000. I did buy enough back soon as I realized to save the rest. He attacked again and wasted 15 more attacks for 408 gold. I even had 2 windows open to minimize the time. Just bad luck, I guess. S'ok, though. I'll get it back tomorrow :)

2. Constitution:

Gay marriage ban? Doesn't GWB have something better to do, like stop our boys from getting slaughtered in Iraq, squashing civil rights, or stamping out steroid use in football? What's next, declaring pass interference to be a class 3 felony? If gays, fags, homosexuals, lesbians, queers, whatever-today's-word-is-to-describe-them-is want to get married, *I'LL* marry them. I'll give them a little ceremony and an official looking certificate that says that according to the Church of Ab (an secular division of the Agnostic Church of Huh?) they are as one. I see no reason what-so-ever that 2 people that love each other and are committed to supporting and taking care of each other should be denied the same fundamental rights granted to gold-digging trophy wives like Anna Nicole Smith.

I haven't heard a single argument yet that has even come close to sounding legitimate as to why gays should be denied the ability to enter into a civil union. Before any conservatives bring up the bible says this or god says that, just remember, the US is founded on a fundamental principle of seperation of church and state. Our laws are NOT to be made based solely on any religious dogma. We may have laws that can exist outside of that dogma (such as don't steal or don't kill) because they have true social implications but laws that can't stand on their own ("keep holy the sabbath" or "no other gods") because they have no social implications outside of religion.

On that note, I think that when (not if) they are given their full marriage rights, that any marriage benefits be re-written/thought out. My reasoning behind this is that most breaks and benefits given to spouses are based on the premise/belief that the married couple have kids or are designed to facilitate making having future kids easier or more affordable. A lot of things, such as power of attourney when disabled, property ownership, etc are there to make things easier on the kids. If gays (and even married couples) want these priviledges, I think there should have to be kids involved.

Anyways, if gays really want to be married, they just need to goto South Carolina and check into a hotel as a married couple. Due to an arcane law, this officially makes them common-law married. :)

3. TV:

Greatest new TV show EVER ... Straight Plan for the Gay Man on Comedy Central. HILLARIOUS! I'll admit, I don't have Showtime and have never seen an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, but I guess SPftGM is supposed to be a parody of it. 4 manly, macho men take a flaming gay and have 5 days to turn him, his style, and his place into a straight man. They then take 2 of themselves and the gay man and apply for a traditional "manly" job and afterwards tell the man highering that one of them's gay and to guess which one. Seeing the reactions of when their pristine apartments are turned into plaid-laden bachelor pad with neon beer lighting is great. :)

4. Lent:

I gave up religion for lent when I was 18. I felt so much better. So much more cleansed. So much more enlightened that I decided to continue the sacrifice. It's been 10 years almost to the day and I still feel great. :)


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multiple things

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  • I got bored of being on the outside. Clicky back? []
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I just went from 120k defense to 12k today (upgraded to battlements which cost me 5 dragonskins). But I feel it was worth it. Felt that I was gonna get the 'someone attacks for 600k gold!' and take me back to the stone ages when I lagged from the dragonscale sale.

    I got attacked 17 times last night.... 2 were successful (they had REALLY high siege weapons, cause they cut my D quite a bit).

    Oh, and I'm back up to 40k D already (over 20k gold per turn baby!).

    But the scariest thing... over 200 attack tur
    • S'ok, the guy that hit me was part of a clan and 4000+ ranking above me. I can't really hit him that well, but I was able to hit another member of his clan for the tune of 45,000 with 11 attacks. So, I got half of it back alread and am back to where I was this morning in the terms of weapons and attack rankings.

  • by Patik ( 584959 ) *
    I gave up religion for lent when I was 18. I felt so much better. So much more cleansed. So much more enlightened that I decided to continue the sacrifice. It's been 10 years almost to the day and I still feel great. :)
    Heh, same here. And I agree with all that you said about cleansing/enlightenment and general relief. Really looking forward to life now!
  • what vaguely makes sense to me is this: christians are worried that if gays can marry the government will have added more legitimacy to being gay. they worry their children will be taught being gay is OK in school. when they go through sex ed the kids will be taught about homosexual sex. not that i agree, just what i hear. i think his radio program is available archived over the net.

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected. -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972
