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Journal leviramsey's Journal: ATTN: Rush Fans 3

In case you have not heard, dates for the 30th Anniversary Tour of Europe and North America will be announced within the next 24 hours.

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ATTN: Rush Fans

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  • I can't wait. It has been way too long since I saw them live. I will not miss out on this tour and will try to go to more than one show if I can swing it :)
  • I read your JE three times over the course of the evening before I figured out you weren't referring to a live speaking tour by Rush Limbaugh.

    Anyone reading this from the DC/Baltimore contingent want to make plans for a group purchase?
  • Tourdates will not be posted until tomorrow (18 February). As of last night, they were still to have been posted on the 17th.

Type louder, please.
