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Journal sulli's Journal: Sullivan on Bush: "Is he out of his mind?" 3

Andrew Sullivan (the other one) asks this about Bush in The New Republic.

Choice quote: "[T]he president uses the phrase "if Congress is wise with the people's money." But the point is that, in the last three years, the Congress has, by any measure, been grotesquely unwise with the people's money. And the president vetoed not a single spending measure. In fact, his own budgets exploded spending on both war and homeland security and every other government department, from Labor to Agriculture, before the pork-sniffers in Congress even got started."

I love to see conservatives freak when confronted with Bush's incompetence.

Update: Bill O'Reilly slams Bush as well, for lying about WMDs.

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Sullivan on Bush: "Is he out of his mind?"

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  • I'm not an American (IANAA?) but I watch your politics with the morbid fascination of someone watching a train wreck. Up here in Soviet Canuckistan we're frankly a little frightened of Bush and a little depressed that there's even a chance he'll get back in.

    How is it that with more than half of you guys against him, more than two thirds of you guys acknowledging that he's at least to some degree not qualified to do his job - how is it that the Democrats don't have a sure thing? In any other country in th
    • Re:Great Article (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Phroggy ( 441 ) *
      In any other country in the world you could run a chicken in a clown costume against this guy and the chicken would win.

      Alas, we're not running a chicken, we're running a Democrat. There are a hell of a lot of Republican supporters who, like your friend, have voted straight Republican in every election since before they can remember, and it never occurs to them that to do otherwise wouldn't be less noble.

      People who support Republicans include:

      1) Stupid Christian fundamentalists* who believe that Bush i
      • Many people who aren't republicans can't see what it really means to be republican.

        I have libertarian views, registered republican (because the lib candidates have been freaky as well as the stupid bi-partisan system isn't going to let them any time soon), am not christian (most republicans would freak to know I'm pagan), am not rich, nor greedy, nor 100% caucasian, nor supported the war at any time, nor identify with some of the above stated categories.

        I AM fiscally conservative, am pro-gun (most of gun

It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions. - Robert Bly
