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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Luxury of a Leadfooted Driver 2

So I had a meeting to go to this morning at 10:30. The building is about two miles away, and the meeting itself only lasts about 5-10 minutes, with only about 86 seconds worth of actual official business, the rest is people bs'ing about various stuff.

So I planned on leaving at 10:15. At 10:05, the guy who told me 10:30 walks by my cube saying "Why are here? Meeting's at 10." I'm like "You told me 10:30." Back and forth for a few seconds, and I throw on my jacket and such, and race over.

Then I couldn't remember my PIN code to get in the building. It had been awhile since I needed it, so I wasn't surprised. Being in a rush didnt help.

The guard coudln't look up PINs on his terminal, but he took pity and let me in, and I got there in time to catch them on their way out. Got all the paperwork and made copies of someone's notes, and saved my @$$.

While I've never gotten pulled over or anything, I do drive with a leaded foot. I was probably going 60+ on the country road that goes to the building, that has a limit of 45. Never thought that kind of driving would come in handy, but it did today.

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Luxury of a Leadfooted Driver

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