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Journal dacarr's Journal: This time, he's gone TOO far 2

Today I printed a letter to nine parties - my three congresscritters, Senator Orrin Hatch, The Governator, Dubya, McBride, Dept. of Homeland Security, and Al "I invented the internet" Gore. Why? Because McBride decided to write his congressman.

Say what you will about this, but this is one of those few things that I'm passionate about, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some asshat in Utah try and undermine my right to choose what I want to run on my computer.

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This time, he's gone TOO far

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  • I need to write some letters myself, but probably not to Al Gore.

    Maybe to random people in Utah, beyond my own Congress Critters.
    Is Orrin Hatch in Utah?

    Maybe we should bug Utah congress critters and their legislature to prosecute SCO for Fraud?
    • I figured Gore simply because he is at least geek friendly. Granted, he didn't invent the 'net.

      As for Hatch, yes, he's in Utah - he is one of McBride's senators. Perhaps it would behoove people to write McBride's congresscritters beyond just Hatch - I'm only doing Hatch because that seems to be the most logical thing to do. That, and he gets much exposure anyway.

fortune: cpu time/usefulness ratio too high -- core dumped.
