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Journal m0smithslash's Journal: Java Developer's Journal - Jan 2004 - Vol. 9 Issue 1

Apache James

This article includes a basic review of email terminology: MUA, SMTP, POP3(110), MX, IMAP, etc.

Apcahe James can be downloaded from and it required JRE 1.3 or 1.4. There are some config and admin tips for getting James off the ground. Also, James includes a Mailet API to allow it to be extended through Java code, much as a Application Server is extended via servlets.

What is James? The Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server: an open-source mail server.

Alfred Chuang: Founder, President and CEO of BEA

  • J2EE was too difficult in 2001 to develop against for "broad" acceptance.
  • JCP is a good thing, but slow. If solutions and standards are not provided faster, Microsoft .NET will catch up.
  • In the real world, J2EE and .NET will need to play side by side and be integrated.
  • BEA is banking on people buying an entire application platform suite.
  • Complexity is inherited.
  • Java's big win is to give IT some hope of a standard.
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Java Developer's Journal - Jan 2004 - Vol. 9 Issue 1

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