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Journal m0smithslash's Journal: Software Development - Feb 2004, Vol 12, No. 2


This month our intrepid novice learns what happens when you can't prove the code is correct. It may appear to work, but without unit tests that can prove it works, does it really work? Appearances can be decieving

What's new in UML 2.0?

Ok, I've used UML and some of the diagrams aren't all that useful. Maybe things have improved

Activity Diagrams They have improved but not enough, less boxes and more conciseness would be nice

Architecture Diagrams A greater focus on component, deployment and package diagrams to help in architecture.

Class Diagrams They have gotten better with ball-and-socket notation and some new sterotypes. Collaboration diagrams are now communication diagrams. Timing diagrams have been added.

What were they thinking? Business rules, UI and persistance are still not addressed.

Keep your modeling simple, inclusive, cooperative and focused.

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Software Development - Feb 2004, Vol 12, No. 2

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Dealing with the problem of pure staff accumulation, all our researches ... point to an average increase of 5.75% per year. -- C.N. Parkinson
